Biz and Internet Stuff

Monthly Archives: August 2008

That’s just freaking close

This is a genuine near death experience. Given to me by a work colleague who just happened to have his new camera sitting on the dash. read more | digg storyContinue Reading

Woman pays $1000 for an ‘upgraded’ PSP in Singapore

Sales assistant claims additional fees like licenses for downloaded games and more utilities. Poor woman. Totally scammed. Source:,4136,172505,00.html Full story:Continue Reading

Remote Backup Service, a Cure to Never-ending Cases of Permanent Data Loss

Remote data backup is more important nowadays. If you fear another incident of data loss on your PC or server, it is time to consider a remote online backup. Traditional methods of backup are becoming stale, and gradually replaced by automatic nature of remote backup solutions. This article reveals why you should get an onlineContinue Reading